Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter, Engagement, New Cousin--OH My!

Hi world! I am taking over to tell you about my exciting past few days.
On Saturday my Godmother, Lizzie, got engaged. That means I have a new future uncle or "funcle" as I like to call him.

Here is a picture of me, auntie liz, and funcle Doug.

The next day was Easter. Here is me with my Easter basket. A bunny gave it to me!

I love my new hat. Daddy loves my candy. I love to share it with him.

Check out my cute Easter dress, complete with bonnet and matching bow. I even had matching bloomers, but mommy said its not lady-like for me to show them off.

I wore my pretty dress to Mass and then to Grandma and Grandpa's house. I played with my cousin Davy all day!

The next day I got to play with Davy some more because her mommy was busy doing something. I think she was getting the baby.
Then we all went to the hospital to meet my new cousin Gianna.
Isn't she cute? She is so little. Mommy said I used to be that little too.

Here is a picture of mommy holding Gianna. She was winking at me.

Well I gotta go. I need to grab a snack...

1 comment:

  1. Oh beautiful Bursa family. It's Marie - I just wanted to mention that my sister just had a little Gianna (Elise is her middle name) and your little Gianna is absolutely precious!

    Therese, you are lovely :-)!

    I so enjoy reading these updates - congrats to gaining a future in-law (he's a good one - like all the rest) and know you are all in my prayers!

    God bless and Happy Easter!
